QCG - When the Quality of Computing is Guaranteed

The QCG software delivers a set of highly efficient services and access tools for remote application execution in large-scale computing environments, including both classical HPC and Cloud systems, and emerging Quantum Computers

Boost your calculations to the next level with QCG


Years of experience


national and international projects


deployments on supercomputers

Let the science meet technology

Why QCG?

The QCG ecosystem provides all the necessary mechanisms for efficient and secure computations on large-scale resources. With a user-friendly interface, it simplifies task submission, monitoring, and data management. It is easily adjustable to specific needs. And just as importantly, it is open source!

For whom?

QCG's three target groups are researchers, industry, and data centre administrators. Researchers, because QCG allows them to easily overcome the barrier of using remote computing resources, also specific ones; industry, because QCG provides a compelling economic value; and finally data centres and their administrators, because QCG addresses a common need for a secure and easy-to-manage remote access service to their infrastructure.

Domains that use QCG

Advanced Materials

Air Quality Prediction



Drugs Discovery

Earth Sciences

Fusion Energy

Molecular Biology


Quantum Computing


Our projects & collaboration